Shobhit Kumar


Learn every day, but especially from the experiences of others. It’s cheaper! 

                                                      – John Bogle


Have you ever wondered though your income is increasing, but your bank balance not?

You always wanted to save or invest but never had enough to start.

Started saving with insurance policies and not with investment products like BANK Fixed Deposit, Mutual fund, or Shares. 

You wanted to save or invest money but never got PRACTICAL IDEAS as to How and where?

Want to retire early but don’t know how to plan it? 

These are some of the questions you might have grappled within your professional journey.  

When I started earning 14 years back, I never had enough money to start saving.

Thought in initial years, enjoy first save latter, after that, it was marriage, family, kids, vacation, school and something or other. 

In short, You will never have that perfect time to start or plan your personal finance.

I am a finance professional who worked for more than 13 years across the length and breadth of INDIA, bigger cities (Hyderabad) to smaller towns like (Panipat, Rohtak, Hissar ). 

I got opportunities to work with financial institutions like Axis Bank, UTI Mutual Fund, and HDFC Mutual Fund. While working with asset management companies, I had extensive interaction with investors while conducting INVESTOR AWARENESS PROGRAMME and got great insight. 

You will get lots of GYAAN on subjects related to the best investment available, cheap products available, unsolicited advice to buy this product or not to buy that one! 

Here The aim is to let you know the right investment product for you and not the best product. 

Through this blog, I would like to share with you my personal and professional experience in the field of personal finance, Mutual Funds, and Investment

I will endeavor to share with you practical ideas that are implementable and easy to understand. 

And more importantly, Those ideas which I have put them into practice.

Recently I have been selected  as one of the Top 50 Indian Personal Finance Blogs on the web by  

Do join our family so that you can make a better informed financial decision about personal finance. 


Shobhit Kumar 

 (My Linkdin Profile)